what are the benefits?

POSTNATAL HEALING BREATHWORK is uniquely suited to help you regain:

  • Your core-strengts.

  • Your abdominals & pelvic floor. Each step ‘closes’ the body and re-knits abdominal muscles using HEALING breathing, with the additional effect of inducing deeper sleep and reducing postnatal fatigue.

  • Overall fitness after birth by restoring tone to the deep muscles of the pelvis and lower back.

  • Regain body confidence and renown your body. Remember body was shared for 9 months, as well as breastfeeding.

  • Toning and strengthening the pelvic floor and abdominals.

  • Muscle tension arising from feeding or carrying babies is alleviated by specific stretches which release and open the back and shoulders.

  • Spinal and pelvic alignment exercises help improve posture and ease lots of the common aches and pains of new mums

who is it for?

For mothers that have just given birth, until your kids are big. It’s beneficial for all mothers that haven’t done the work to recover their abdominals and pelvic floor muscles. Even if you have a 40 year old child (funny but seriously true).

When can i start?

POSTNATAL HEALING BREATHWORK can be started anytime after birth. I will adapt the practice so you build your muscles inside out and build up a practice from low impact into a flow that suits you at any stage of your postnatal recovery.

what to expect?

All mothers will benefit from POSTNATAL HEALING BREATHWORK because of its unique technique to join the rectum abdominal muscles, avoiding the lower belly that most mums have after giving birth due to split up abdominals muscles.

I can give you a more dynamic yoga flow as you build up your strength, stamina and flexibility. Starting gently, we gradually build your postnatal yoga practice up. Providing a safe transition to general yoga or other forms of exercise with long term benefits for female body and general health.

what about my baby?

Your baby can watch, sleep, feed or play. They will also be involved in some of the movements.