pregnacy YOGA FAQ


what are the benefits?

  • Pregnancy yoga promotes general health to mother and baby.

  • Expands breathing, expanding lung capacity.

  • Increases flexibility and mobility.

  • Helps to gain confidence for birth.

  • Calms the mind and the emotions.

  • Bonding with your baby.

  • Helps with sleep (you will sleep better than any other night of the week).

who is it for?

Pregnancy Yoga is accessible to all women, whether you have a weekly yoga practice or new to yoga.

You can start as soon as you get the news until the end of your pregnancy.

When can i start?

Have you heard you can’t do yoga in the first trimester? At Woomly we can offer yoga for the first, second and third trimester.

what to expect?

Our Pregnancy Yoga classes include yoga sequences specifically adapted for pregnancy and movements to alleviate discomforts and renew energy.

  • In the first trimester we offer an adapted fertility yoga class that you can do from the beginning of your pregnancy.

  • In the second (from 14 weeks) we offer a stronger yoga flow to keep your beautiful feminine body active, strong and relaxed, acknowledging the changes you are going trough.

  • In the third trimester there is a stronger focus on soothing movements, birth and breathing techniques

  • We also offer an Active Birth workshop for you and your birthing partner.

Additionally, you will receive hypno-birthing, mindfulness techniques and yoga nidra at the end of each session.